Ep14 - Multi-day passage from Isla Mujeres to Biscayne Bay

Ep14 - Multi-day passage from Isla Mujeres to Biscayne Bay


Join us for our first multi-day passage as we travel from Isla Mujeres to Biscayne Bay, Florida. We planned and planned, and watched weather models and routing patterns for weeks. Deciding when to make a crossing that every cruiser told us is usually terrible, is a challenge at best. Our obsessive hovering over the Predict Wind and Windy weather forecasts left us unsure at best. We conferred with friends, and no one could agree and what exactly would be the best chance for a comfortable crossing. Predict Wind finally had all the models in pretty solid agreement, and we set off knowing day one would be rough, but the next three days looked great, so the choice was made. We learned a few things over our four day crossing...weather predicting models cannot be trusted, things will break, the highs are really high and the lows are really low. The uncertainty is all part of the lifestyle, but we wouldn't choose any other path.