Ep13 - Is Isla Mujeres really a cruiser's paradise?

Ep13 - Is Isla Mujeres really a cruiser's paradise?


Isla Mujeres is a tiny island just off the coast of Cancun, Mexico. It's a favorite spot for tourists because of it's beautiful beaches, numerous restaurants and bars, and glorious weather. Cruiser's often use Isla Mujeres as waypoint on their way north to Florida, west to Texas, or east to Cuba and the rest of the Caribbean. This begs the question, is Isla Mujeres a cruiser's paradise or just a convenient stopover en route to other places. The beaches here are enticing, but the lack of shore access from a dinghy makes enjoying the amenities difficult. The anchorage is crowded and has notoriously poor holding making it important to be vigilant at all times. If you're willing to get off your boat and just be a tourist for awhile, Isla Mujeres can be a lot of fun. The best part is definitely the meeting of friends, old and new. The nature of the island as a waypoint to other places ensures you will run into people you've met somewhere else in your cruising adventure.