About Us

About Us

You found us and maybe we’re your people! Welcome to our digital anchorage, marina, library, and chandlery. We started dreaming about living a less conventional life back in 2011, and this is where we share our story, discoveries, and some of the lessons we’ve learned along the way.

The first eight-years of the dream were really just that, a dream. With three growing boys still at home, school for them and for Geri, sports, work, bills… But, we dreamt! Countless hours researching boats, talking story with others about it, and having what adventures we could along the way.

In December 2014, we chartered a small power catamaran for a week in the San Juan Islands. We thought if we could have a good time on a small boat in the winter, maybe someday we could successfully live this dream. We were hooked instantly and the dream lived on.

In 2019, we bought our first “yacht”, a 2005 Meridian 490 and moved aboard a couple months later. For three and a half years we lived and cruised aboard 2nd Circus in the Puget Sound, Hood Canal, San Juan Islands (a lot), Canadian Gulf Islands, and Desolation Sound (our favorite).

In early 2023, we sold everything – 2nd Circus, the cars, our business, land, clothes, tools… everything we didn’t need to fulfill the dream of Roaming the world by boat. We moved to Guatemala to close on the purchase of our new sailing catamaran and began living a less conventional life.

You should know

We’re introverts. We enjoy each others company and are comfortable with silent time. We love ice cream and don’t like coffee: vanilla and chocolate are our very good friends. We love nature and all that she offers. We’re friendly and have no room in our lives for hate.

Why this lifestyle and why now?

We’re extremely curious about the world we live in and want to experience it first hand. There’s no better time than right now to do something that’s important to you. We’re travelers, not tourists; we’re not escaping our lives, we’re experiencing our lives in extraordinary places.

Why a boat?

There are as many ways to live as there are people in the world. None of them is right or wrong, just different. We like to cook for ourselves and have our own space with our own things. We also want to see places we can’t drive in a car or RV. A boat gives us the freedom to travel the world while bringing our home with us.

Stay in Touch!

It’s pretty easy to keep up with us because we’re virtually everywhere. You can follow along and chat with us on Facebook and Instagram, and join the adventures on YouTube!